Why are home-based businesses important?
SBA.gov estimates that almost half of small businesses are run from home. With more than 33 million small businesses in the United State, that means about 15 million are home-based businesses. Learn about Virginia Small Businesses.
Research has shown that small businesses were some of the fastest to recover during economic stresses years.
Advances in technology, rising costs of doing business, changes in family structures and needs and changes in the work-life balance desires of today’s workers are fueling home-based business. Many experts now agree that home-based businesses are the way of the future for much of the American and world-wide workforce.
Home-based businesses can span all sectors and fuel other business development.
PHBBN is proud to support home-based businesses.
What is the Peninsula Home-based Business Network?
The Peninsula Home-based Business Network (PHBBN) is a partnership between local government entities focused on assisting home-based businesses in the region by promoting events and resources for them including an annual conference and lunch & learn series. These support initiatives and events are nationally-award winning and cater to all home-based businesses regardless of type or size.
PHBBN is the evolution of an initiative geared towards home-based business support by York County Economic Development and its Chamber of Commerce. County representatives learned that two‐thirds of York County’s businesses are home-based, a trend that continues to grow both locally and nationally. The Home-Based Business Conference launched in 2011 and has grown into a series of events over the last 10 years.
Additional localities joined the efforts in 2018. PHBBN includes the Cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and Williamsburg and the Counties of Gloucester, James City and York. PHBBN has grown to include a variety of partners and sponsors in the region to form a collaborative network.
PHBBN invites all home-based businesses to become a part of our network, attend our events and network with other home-based businesses. As home-based businesses become more mainstream, new initiatives such as the PHBBN must emerge to meet the needs of this business sector.